Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at JQY! Please tell us a little more about you so we can get to know you and match you with opportunities at JQY.

Most JQY Volunteers must be 18 or older. If you're not 18 yet, please fill out the form anyways; we may have other opportunities for you to get involved.
Where would you like to volunteer?
What kind of volunteer opportunities are you available for? (Check all the apply)
Example: Volunteering at the at JQY's Paul Austin and Dalip Girdhar (The P. Austin Family Foundation) Drop-In Center Welcome Desk. (NYC only)
Example: I'd like to help out at holiday programs throughout the year and/or putting together the occasional care packages. (NYC only)
Example: Help others feel welcome by connecting with new people at programs.
Example: Put fliers around my neighborhood, spread the word, etc.
Example: JQY Social Media Ambassador or JQY App Ambassador
  • Examples could include but are not limited to: You are a talented photographer
  • You speak Yiddish fluently
  • You come from a Chassidish community

This is a safe space. There is no room in this space for non-consensual physical contact, sexual misconduct, harassment, bullying, or violence. Anyone who harms or threatens to harm a person in this space will be asked to leave.

This is a confidential space. By being in this space, you agree to protect the confidentiality of all others in attendance by not sharing their identities or other information about them outside of this space.

This is an inclusive space. You don’t need a label to be at JQY. You belong here if you feel you belong here. Because our community is so diverse with regard to identities (sexual, gender, religious, etc.), beliefs, and experiences, please get to know people instead of making assumptions about them.

This is a respectful space. By being in this space, you agree to be mindful of the feelings of others when listening and speaking. This is a place where names and pronouns are honored. If you make a mistake and someone corrects you, thank them, correct yourself, and move on.

Everyone in this space is committed to keeping it a safe space. Anyone who fails to honor the Safe Space Standards may be asked to leave and/or prevented from participating in future JQY programming and/or events.

 If you feel uncomfortable in any JQY space for any reason, or believe a person is not honoring the Safe Space Standards, please let us know by emailing to safespace@jqy.org. That email will be received by JQY's Executive Director and Clinical Director.

If your concern relates to the Executive Director or Clinical Director, please email Board Member, Shimmy Feintuch, LCSW, at safespace_boardmember@jqy.org.